Meet the experts in conferencing at ISE ’23


During this year’s edition, Belgian conferencing technology company Televic Conference will be present with a team of ‘Experts in Conferencing’ to showcase some of the company’s best-in-class solutions for wired, wireless and hybrid meeting and conferencing solutions.

Are you curious to see how the Televic experts are raising the bar in conferencing? Pay us a visit at ISE 2023 between 31 Jan. & 3 February '23 at Fira de Barcelona Gran Via. Hall 3, booth 3P100.

Televic offers you the opportunity to register for a free entrance ticket to ISE 2023. Register on before the show using the Televic invitation code FH0NQTDC

Book your meeting with the experts upfront via our booking tool: ISE 2023 ( (Not sure who is the right person for you? Ask at

TIP: Don’t miss our Belgian Beer tasting at the Televic Conference booth on Wednesday 2 February 2023 from 4 PM onwards

Our experts are looking forward to meeting you in Barcelona in the new year! See you there? 


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