European Week of Mobility (16-22 September)

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Televic is getting ready for the upcoming European Week of Mobility (16-22 September)

As the European Week of Mobility approaches, marked on the calendar from 16 to 22 September, Televic is gearing up to showcase its commitment not only to mobility but also to employee well-being and environmental sustainability. We look forward to present a range of initiatives that show our dedication to fostering the physical and mental health of our employees.

Beyond the European Week of Mobility, we aim to stimulate positive behavior year-round. Here are some of the initiatives that we have put in place:

Bike Leasing

Cycling is not only an eco-friendly mode of transportation but also a way to stay active and energized. Recognizing this, Televic offers a bike leasing program that empowers our employees to embrace cycling as a daily routine.

Electric Cars:

As part of our commitment to reducing our carbon footprint, Televic promotes the use of electric company cars among our employees. We understand the importance of sustainable transportation options, and our electric company car offering aligns perfectly with our green aspirations. Since January 2023, 100% of our new company cars have been electric.

Accessible Satellite Office Location in Ghent:

Situated in a region that is well-connected by public transport networks and bicycle lanes, we opened a new satellite office to actively encourage our Ghent-based employees to opt for eco-friendly commuting options such as cycling, public transport, or walking.

Sport Sessions during lunch breaks:

To support our employees in maintaining an active lifestyle, we offer fun sport sessions during lunch breaks throughout the week. These sessions take place outdoors when possible and focus not only on physically fitness but also aim to boost mental health.

As the European Week of Mobility comes closer, we are excited to engage our employees in these initiatives. We will not only focus on green commuting, but also emphasize other aspects like sustainability, environmental impact and employee well-being as we believe these are connected with mobility.

Join us in celebrating the European Week of Mobility, and let's embark on this journey towards enhanced well-being and a greener future together!




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