Next Perception

Within the NextPerception project, new technologies for patient monitoring are investigated leveraging new methodologies in terms of wireless communication, distributed processing and algorithms.

In this project, Televic Healthcare is researching its next generation care communication infrastructure based on a wireless communication network building on a Bluetooth Low Energy mesh network. This network should support different applications related to patient monitoring: reliable alarming when a patient requests for help, room level accurate indoor localization, and advanced activity classification based on radar signals. The purpose is to reuse infrastructure for different applications in order to reduce the overall investment.

Capturing more context data about patients in case of an alarm but also just to follow up on a patient is key in order to improve quality of care. Therefore, Televic Healthcare is investigating the feasibility of activity classification based on a FMCW radar.


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NextPerception project is a European project (ECSEL) and is supported by VLAIO.
THC collaborates with KULeuven, COMmeto and Pozyx on a joint demonstrator.

Televic Healthcare is further working together with other Flemish partners (KULeuven, COMmeto and Pozyx )