DMEA 2023 - Europe´s Leading Digital Health Conference and Trade Fair

Berlin, Germany


As a healthcare professional, you understand the impact of technology on patient care. Need guidance to maximize your organization's tech use or not sure where to begin?

Meet our experts at our booth for solutions. Join us from April 25th-27th in Berlin. We look forward to seeing you there!

More information about the fair

Televic Healthcare patient pushes on personal tag

Already curious? 

AQURA Care is an all-in-one communication platform (VDE-compliant) that's user-friendly. With AQURA Care, you

  • integrate with other care providers and third parties (no vendor lock-in)
  • combine wired and wireless nurse call 
  • set up automatic workflows
  • get insights through clear dashboards 
  • keep track of your patients' movements and behavior with our wandering detection and prevention
  • ...

How can AQURA Care help you?

Our goal is to help you provide top-quality care by keeping you organized and focused on your patients.


Assises des Ehpad

This mi-September Televic Healthcare will showcase his AQURA Care platform at the Assise des EHPADS. Get in touch with our French Televic Healthcare team during these two days.
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Televic at AGE3 Lille 2024

Televic Healthcare will be present at AGE3 in Lille on September 24, 2024. Come and discover our new AQURA platform and talk about the future of healthcare. We look forward to seeing you there!
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Televic at the 2024 hospital engineering seminar

Televic will be present at the Seminario de Ingenieria Hospitalaria in A Coruña, Spain, from October 4 to 6, 2024. Come and discover our latest solutions and discuss the future of hospital engineering.
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