Tecnology Partner


Working together to deliver top-notch conferencing technology worldwide

Televic & iBabs Partnership

Televic and iBabs work together in a technology partnership and bundle competences to deliver a solution that precisely fits the customers’ needs.

iBabs is the expert in meeting preparation and meeting linked document management where Televic delivers top-notch audio-video conferencing technology, failure safe, ensuring the key moments of the meeting such as the voting.

A workflow integration that reduces time and effort with a certainty of correct voting results

With this connection, Televic and iBabs make it possible to use your prepared meeting from iBabs without extra effort to ensure the key moments of the meeting such as voting where all users are involved, in the room and remote.

  • With 1 press of a button, prepared iBabs meeting is synchronized, including participants to your Televic meeting management system without extra effort or time.
  • Televic is in the lead at a key moment in the managed meeting: voting in our system.
  • Televic ensures successful voting where results are shown.
  • Voting results of remote participants are involved.
  • Voting results are automatically sent back to iBabs without extra effort and time.

Discover more about iBabs here: https://www.ibabs.com/en/

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