Televic Conference Interpretation Solutions Simultaneous Interpretation Lingua ID interpreter desk


Interpreter Desk

The Lingua Interpreter Desk breaks down language barriers and gets all participants on the same page, no matter which language they speak. As an interpreter, experience an award-winning device that is the result of breakthrough user-centered design. Comfortable, easy to use, and fully ISO 20109:2016-compliant.

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User-Centered Design

Built by interpreters, for interpreters. Every detail was designed to make interpretation a joy.

televic conference worry free


From compact design to full ISO 20109:2016 compliance: focus on the interpretation and let technology get out of the way.

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Combine with Video

Get crystal-clear lip-synched video to make interpretation more comfortable. The Lingua Interpreter Desk with HDMI Out supports Full HD 1080p/60.

Televic Conference Interpretation Solutions Simultaneous Interpretation Lingua ID interpreter desk award

Lingua ID

Lingua ID has everything on board to make an interpreter’s job easier. The improved ergonomics, from the viewing angle to the button placement, make it more comfortable to work for longer periods. Tactile buttons with braille indicators and even audible feedback give every interpreter the tools to perform better. And a clear and flexible user interface allows you to see all information at a glance.

Download datasheet:

Lingua ID (71.98.2100)

Televic Conference Interpretation Solutions Simultaneous Interpretation interpreter desk Lingua ID-MM

Lingua ID-MM

Besides all the features provided with Lingua ID, Lingua ID-MM comes with an HDMI Outport and gets you up to 6 lip-synched streams right at your fingertips. You get the message across with crystal clarity, even if you’re not in the same room.

Download datasheet:

Lingua ID-MM (71.98.2101)

A Revolutionary User Interface

Remove language barriers by making interpretation easy and user-friendly! The Lingua Interpreter Desk was designed by interpreters to give you maximum comfort and usability no matter where you work. With full ISO 20109:2016 compliance and powered by the Plixus Network. The perfect multilingual meeting starts here.


Andrea Alvisi
The Lingua Interpreter Desks are easy to use, reliable and very user-friendly. I can now see why the IMO and other international organizations have decided to put their conference interpreting needs in the hands of Televic.
Andrea Alvisi
Freelance Interpreter and Teaching Fellow Interpreting at Leeds Univeristy


United Nations' Room XVII, Televic Conference Interpretation Solutions Simultaneous Interpretation interpreter desk Lingua ID

United Nations' Room XVII, Geneva, Switzerland

Council of The European Union, Televic Conference Interpretation Solutions Simultaneous Interpretation interpreter desk Lingua ID

Council of The European Union, Brussels, Belgium

European Parliament,Televic Conference Interpretation Solutions Simultaneous Interpretation interpreter desk Lingua ID

European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium

European Court of Justice, Luxemburg,Televic Conference Interpretation Solutions Simultaneous Interpretation interpreter desk Lingua ID

European Court of Justice, Luxemburg

Book a personal demo!

Hear and be heard. Understand and be understood.

The ability to talk and listen clearly lets your community thrive. Have better formal meetings, create better understanding and make better decisions. 

Want to learn more about our conference solutions? Schedule your personal demo with one of our experts today! 

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