Confidea Flex: The New Wave of Discussion Microphones

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The trend is crystal clear - Confidea FLEX

As a global company, Televic has its finger firmly on the pulse of the AV world.

However, when it comes to discussion microphones, we reign supreme as the undeniable experts in our field.


Whether it's wired or wireless, our Confidea FLEX line of discussion microphones revolutionizes the meeting experience across various industries.


In particular, Municipal Councils have eagerly embraced the FLEX line for its unparalleled adaptability and remarkable features. Straight out of the box, a FLEX discussion unit will immediately provide the ability for every council member to hear and be heard perfectly, whether in the room, or in a hybrid setup with some participants joining over an online platform. With its integrated loudspeaker, you can effortlessly position the units without worrying about echo cancellation or adapting to different room configurations.

Customization is key

A city could set the system up to display the names of delegates in the meeting, with a dedicated board for formal requests to speak, and another one for open discussions. Some boards may even take advantage of electronic voting, while others may opt out. The beauty lies in our customers' recognition that a single piece of hardware can deliver an exceptional audio experience while effectively managing meetings.

It's no wonder that FLEX has become the go-to choice for boardrooms and is now making its mark in courtrooms, offering the same compelling benefits found in the realm of city government. People need to hear each other, and organizations need efficiency from their teams. FLEX does a perfect job of combining beautiful design, functionality, efficiency, and price.

That's precisely why Confidea FLEX, available as both wired and wireless discussion systems, stands as our most sought-after product line, and a trusted solution for enhancing communication and meeting management.

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