active radial steering

Making the move to Condition-Based Maintenance


In the new rail world, maintenance productivity will take a central stage as operators focus on lowering operational costs and striving for 24/7 availability of the assets.

Operators embrace the power of data and gradually derive meaningful insight to inform strategic and operational decisions for operations and maintenance.

Join the experts of Televic GSP and Ricardo in a joint webinar on June, 2nd to discuss how to make the move to Condition Based Maintenance.

Sign up for the webinar

Listen to the panel of experts:

  • Rudi Maerschalck l Country Leader Ricardo Belgium
  • Maarten de Vries l Reliability and Maintenance Engineer – Ricardo
  • Glyn Arthur l Global Business Development Televic GSP

We'll host a live Q&A at the end of the presentation, so bring in all your questions!

Date: June 2nd, 2022

Time: Start 11hr00 – Closing 12hr30

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