TraPIST (2014 - 2015)

Relevant, tailor-made travel info at the right moment

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Travel info at your fingertips

Passengers combine information sources to plan their trips: their agendas, time tables, floor plans, weather forecasts, etc. Not only does this require a lot of preparation. It also becomes hard to make on-the-fly adaptations.

The aim of the TraPIST project is to develop an intelligent framework to filter the available data. In that way it can proactively provide relevant, tailor-made travel info at the right moment. The result: an optimal travel experience which limits the passengers’ efforts to a minimum.

Intelligent data framework

Our software and hardware experts created an intelligent data framework that optimizes the travel experience by proactively providing travellers with relevant, up-to-date and tailor-made travel information at the right time. The TraPIST technology is now integrated in the Passenger Information System.

Our project partners

Agentschap Innoveren & Ondernemen, imec, be-mobile, TreinTramBus, Digitopia, SNCB and several research groups of Ghent University, KU Leuven and VUB.

ICON projects

ICON research projects are agile and demand-driven, combining academia and industry partners. ICON projects typically have a duration of two years, yet quickly adapt to the rapid-evolving digital landscape.

The TraPIST project was co-funded by imec and by Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship.

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